Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What is a "Conscious Community?"

I believe that we are about to witness a dramatic shift in popular culture.

This new culture will evolve partly as a response to the plethora of threats to our survival, and partly out of the age old quest for an evolved consciousness.

New forms of community will emerge, like crystals, made up of like-minded individual seekers. These are the antidote to the precipitous violence which normally occurs during major paradigm shifts

These will be individuals who consciously choose to live in a universe that is centered, balanced, integrated and harmonious. At least most of the time...

These individuals are those who are ready to make the leap to "Second Tier Consciousness" (you really should try to get a hold of some Ken Wilber, many of his talks are available on you tube))

Anyway, as I mentioned before, this blog is about my search for individual enlightenment through group work in community. That's it in a nutshell.

Now you see it, now you don't.

I believe in a universe in which the highest rewards are reserved for those that have the ability to give the most, to themselves and each other, instead of those who take the most, out of greed and anger.

I believe that every intelligent individual, family and group has a right to a life that is joyous, sustainable, connected and rewarding.

I have developed a plan. Well, plan might not be the right word. Lets call it a helpful organism, like a virus, only in a good way.

Over the course of many years of thought, in conjunction with a number of exceptionally gifted people, (because we're all plagiarists, even if we don't acknowledge it) I believe that I know how to develop the necessary facilitory instruments that will encourage the emergence of evolutionary social adaptations.

That's am overly didactic way of saying that I've had a glimpse of the future, and think I know how to help create the design, incorporation , and implementation of a different kind of life.

I know I would welcome the emergence of more enlightened, holistic, and balanced institutions in my life.

The ones that I bump up against usually end up rubbing me the wrong way.

A good friend of mine, architect Alex Benedek, with whom I collaborated on the creation of the Newmarket Community Business Access Center, once asked the redoubtable Professor Marshall McLuhan how one set about to reform institutions.

"You Don't" replied Dr. McLuhan. "You Replace Them!"

I think it's about time. THE REVOLUTION STARTS TODAY.

I think that I know how to start the reaction, as it were.

I think I know how to be (or more properly, become) the "seed crystal" to this process.

Next Post : "How to Build the Organizational Structure of the Future"


Sun-jay said...

conscious community exist all around when we take off our armour and learn to breathe.

Sun-jay said...

The evolution of self love is relentless.
Conscious communities depend upon step by step moment to moment actions by individual singularities.
Unconscious communities are herds of followers and a leader.
Strong intelligent individual self owned ones,
we must stick apart.

a singularity can see both the phenomenal and nonphenomenal worlds has achieved a certain balance and can learn to work.
You are in the non-phenomenal world right now. Can you see it?
The garden of paradise is but a hairs breadth away......
kindness is the way in.