Thursday, September 6, 2007

Initial Post

I want to say right off the bat that I am neither a soviet-style social engineer, in other words, I do not believe that the answer to every supposed social ill is to pass just a few more prohibitive laws..., nor am I a sexual deviate--in other words I am not a Liberal.

I'd like to open my blog with a few quotes...then try and help you get to know me...The first quote is from Senator Bill Bradley

" Imagination allows us to escape the predictable. Artists, scientists, poets use the
power of imagination every day. For those of us who found it playing the game of
basketball, it has shaped our joy in countless ways. It has enriched our experience
and allowed us to feel the thrill of fresh creation. It puts us in touch with what makes
us human. Above all, it enables us to see beyond the moment, to trancend our
circumstances however dire they appear, and to reply to the common wisdom that
says we cannot soar by saying, "Just watch!"

I'm about the next stage in human evolution, about consciously stepping on the gas pedal of human development.

I think I know some steps towards creating a more harmonious, balanced, and sustainable community.

I intend to chronicle the implementation of some of these ideas as we go along.

Basically, I want to establish that I am just like you! and that what I accomplish in the next year, you can do too!, in your own community. In fact, it's the self replicating nature of what I'm proposing that makes it such a seductive approach to experiment with.

Next Post: "What is a Conscious Community"

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